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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
06/19/24 What If Jesus Was Praying For You? Josh McKibben Podcast Midweek Messages N/A 129_What_If_Jesus_Was_Praying_For_You.mp3
06/16/24 Developing Godly Zeal Luke Welte Sermon N/A Sun PM Sun_PM_06.16.24.mp3
06/16/24 Put Away The Foreign Gods Brian Lee Sermon N/A Sun AM Sun_AM_06.16.24.mp3
06/16/24 Lesson 10: Failure To Complete The Conquest Shannon Crawford Bible Class 17 Time Periods of the Bible Sun Bible Study Sun_AM_Class_06.16.24.mp3
06/12/24 Giving our Prayers a Voice Tyler Cain Invitation N/A Wednesday Wed_Inv_06.12.2024.mp3
06/12/24 Lesson 10: Praying With Paul Tyler Cain Bible Class "Lord, Teach Us To Pray" Wed Bible Study Wed_Class_06.12.2024.mp3
06/12/24 Can You Say "I Was Wrong"? Josh McKibben Podcast Midweek Messages N/A 128_Can_You_Say_I_Was_Wrong.mp3
06/09/24 As A Little Child Danny McKibben Sermon N/A Sun PM 06.09.24_PM.mp3
06/09/24 Cappadocian Challenges Jared Gwin Sermon N/A Sun AM 6.9.24_AM.mp3
06/09/24 Lesson 9: Dividing The Land of Canaan + Joshua's Farewell Shannon Crawford Bible Class 17 Time Periods of the Bible Sun Bible Study 6-9_Class.mp3
06/05/24 Come, Take, Learn Shannon Crawford Invitation N/A Wednesday 6-5-Invitation.mp3
06/05/24 Lesson 9: The Earnest Prayers of the Church Trey Richardson Bible Class "Lord, Teach Us To Pray" Wed Bible Study 6-5-Class.mp3
06/05/24 When You Think You've Arrived Josh McKibben Podcast Midweek Messages N/A 127_When_You_Think_Youve_Arrived.mp3
06/02/24 The God Who Works Within Us Ben Walker Gospel Meeting "Prepare To Meet Your God, O Israel" Sun PM Sun_PM_06.02.2024.mp3
06/02/24 The God Who Suffers With Us Ben Walker Gospel Meeting "Prepare To Meet Your God, O Israel" Sun AM Sun_AM_06.02.2024.mp3
06/02/24 "God Won't Give You More Than You Can Handle" Ben Walker Gospel Meeting "Prepare To Meet Your God, O Israel" Sun Bible Study Sun_Class_06.02.2024.mp3
06/01/24 The God of Love & Justice Ben Walker Gospel Meeting "Prepare To Meet Your God, O Israel" Saturday Meeting_SatPM_06.01.2024.mp3
05/31/24 The Greatness of God Ben Walker Gospel Meeting "Prepare To Meet Your God, O Israel" Friday Meeting_FriPM_05.31.24.mp3
05/29/24 Bride of Christ Brad McGowan Invitation N/A Wednesday Wed_Inv_05.29.24.mp3
05/29/24 Lesson 8: Paul's Prayer For The Thessalonians Marlin Chapman Bible Class "Lord, Teach Us To Pray" Wed Bible Study Wed_Class_05.29.24.mp3
05/29/24 Preaching To Yourself Josh McKibben Podcast Midweek Messages N/A 126_Preaching_To_Yourself.mp3
05/26/24 Kings Tyler Cain Sermon N/A Sun PM Sun_PM_05.26.2024.mp3
05/26/24 A Poor Widow At The Temple Josh McKibben Sermon We Wish To See The People Jesus Saw Sun AM 333_A_Poor_Widow_at_the_Temple.mp3
05/26/24 Lesson 8: Conquering The Land of Canaan Shannon Crawford Bible Class 17 Time Periods of the Bible Sun Bible Study Sun_AM_Class_05.26.2024.mp3
05/22/24 Rejection is Around Every Corner Tyler Cain Invitation N/A Wednesday Wed_PM_Inv_05.22.24.mp3

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