

Displaying 1326 - 1350 of 1613

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/14/17 Preaching Through Philippians (3) - Humility Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun PM 2017-05-14_PM.mp3
04/23/17 The Hope of Eternal Life Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-04-23_AM.mp3
04/23/17 Preaching Through Philppians (1:12-26) Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun PM 2017-04-23_PM.mp3
04/16/17 The Sin of Doing Nothing Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-04-16_AM.mp3
04/16/17 Preachng Through Philippians (1:1-11) Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun PM
04/09/17 Church Advertising Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-04-09_AM_Church_Advertising.mp3
04/09/17 Think on These Things Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun PM 2017-04-09_PM_Think_on_These_Things.mp3
04/02/17 A Day of Appointment - Elders Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-04-02_AM.mp3
03/19/17 Individual and Collective Action Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-03-19_AM.mp3
03/19/17 The Sponsoring Church Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun PM 2017-03-19_PM.mp3
03/12/17 Visiting Orphans Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-03-12_AM.mp3
02/26/17 Churchanity Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-02-26_AM_Churchanity.mp3
02/26/17 What Baptism Will Not Do Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun PM 2017-02-26_PM.mp3
02/19/17 Qualifications of Elders (part 1) Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-02-19_AM_Qualifications_of_Elders_-_part_1.mp3
02/19/17 Qualifications of Elders (part 2) Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun PM
02/12/17 How Do We Appoint Elders? Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-02-12_AM_How_Do_We_Appoint_Elders.mp3
02/05/17 Nehemiah 8-10 Gary Fisher Gospel Meeting N/A Sun Bible Study 2017-02-05_AM_Nehemiah_8-10_Gary_Fisher.mp3
02/05/17 Nehemiah 13 Gary Fisher Gospel Meeting N/A Sun AM 2017-02-05_AM_Nehemiah_13_Gary_Fisher.mp3
02/04/17 Nehemiah 2-4 Gary Fisher Gospel Meeting N/A Saturday 2017-02-04_Nehemiah_2-4_Gary_Fisher.mp3
02/04/17 Nehemiah 4-7 Gary Fisher Gospel Meeting N/A Saturday 2017-02-04_Nehemiah_4-7_Gary_Fisher.mp3
01/29/17 Prayer and Providence (part 2) Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-01-29_AM_Prayer_and_Providence.mp3
01/22/17 Prayer and Providence Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun PM 2017-01-22_PM.mp3
01/15/17 The Work of a Shepherd Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-01-15_AM.mp3
01/08/17 Shepherds - From Abel to Jesus Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-01-08_AM.mp3
01/08/17 Prayers and Miracles Lee Wildman Sermon N/A Sun PM 2017-01-08_PM.mp3

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