

Displaying 1476 - 1500 of 1518

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/03/08 Thyself Johnnie Edwards Gospel Meeting N/A Sun AM Lesson02.mp3
08/03/08 If You had been the Eunuch Johnnie Edwards Gospel Meeting N/A Sun PM Lesson03.mp3
07/18/08 Praise the God of Strength Shawn Bain VBS N/A Friday Lesson05-1395947955.mp3
07/17/08 Praise the God of Righteousness Chris Reeves VBS N/A Thursday Lesson04-1395947848.mp3
07/16/08 Praise the God of Mercy and Grace Jim Mickells VBS N/A Wednesday Lesson03-1395947759.mp3
07/15/08 Praise the God of Salvation Steve Peeler VBS N/A Tuesday Lesson02-1395947671.mp3
03/30/08 The Furtherance of the Gospel Jim Mickells Gospel Meeting N/A Sun Bible Study Lesson3-1395763751.mp3
03/30/08 Paul Before Felix Jim Mickells Gospel Meeting N/A Sun PM Lesson4-1395763929.mp3
03/30/08 Paul's Relationship with Christ Jim Mickells Gospel Meeting N/A Sun PM Lesson5-1395764057.mp3
03/28/08 Challenges Confronting the Church Jim Mickells Gospel Meeting N/A Friday Lesson1-1395763649.mp3
08/10/07 Some Things I Do Not Know Bob Dickey Gospel Meeting N/A Friday Lesson8.mp3
08/09/07 It Takes More Than That Bob Dickey Gospel Meeting N/A Thursday Lesson7.mp3
08/08/07 Four on the Roof Bob Dickey Gospel Meeting N/A Wednesday Lesson6.mp3
08/07/07 To Whom Do You Belong? Bob Dickey Gospel Meeting N/A Tuesday Lesson5.mp3
08/06/07 The Good Shepherd Bob Dickey Gospel Meeting N/A Monday Lesson4.mp3
08/05/07 Hearing the Word of God Bob Dickey Gospel Meeting N/A Sun Bible Study Lesson1.mp3
08/05/07 The I Am's of the Apostle Paul Bob Dickey Gospel Meeting N/A Sun AM Lesson2.mp3
08/05/07 David Strengthened Himself Bob Dickey Gospel Meeting N/A Sun PM Lesson3.mp3
07/12/07 The Cost of Discipleship Edwin Crozier VBS N/A Wednesday Lesson1-1395946385.mp3
03/25/07 Will Only Those in the Church of Christ be Saved? Donnie Rader Gospel Meeting N/A Sun AM lesson5.mp3
03/25/07 Who is to Blame? (Romans 10) Donnie Rader Gospel Meeting N/A Sun PM lesson6.mp3
03/24/07 A Church Whose Fire Was Gone Donnie Rader Gospel Meeting N/A Saturday lesson2.mp3
03/24/07 The Challenge of a Mid-Life Crisis Donnie Rader Gospel Meeting N/A Saturday lesson3.mp3
03/23/07 The Fear of God Donnie Rader Gospel Meeting N/A Friday lesson1.mp3
08/11/06 This World is Not My Home Gary Kerr Gospel Meeting N/A Friday Lesson8-1395945647.mp3

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